Research projects
Finanzielle Bildung im Erwachsenenalter: Gelingensbedingungen, Wirkmechanismen und individuelle Finanzbildungsstrategien im Lebenszusammenhang (Akronym: FiBiE)Led by: Dr. Lena HeidemannTeam:Year: 2025Funding: BMBFDuration: 01.02.25 - 31.01.28
Ökonomische Bildung in der Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung: Explorative Studie zum Forschungs- und Entwicklungsstand (ÖkonoBi_Ex)Led by: Dr. Lena HeidemannYear: 2023Funding: BMBFDuration: 05/2023 bis 01/2024
Innovative teaching and learning concepts: Innovation plusThe overall goal of the project is the didactically justified implementation of digital teaching-learning concepts (especially blended learning) in the regular study structure of the interdisciplinary Master's programme in Educational Sciences, in order to innovatively and sustainably change both courses with an introductory character and in-depth seminars. This also includes the further development of forms of examination in which new technologies can be mapped (focus: teaching and examination) as well as the development of basic digital competences and self-learning skills of the students.Led by: Prof. Dr. Rita MeyerTeam:Year: 2019Funding: MWK Maßnahme im Rahmen des Hochschulpaktes 2020Duration: 01.05.2019 bis 31.12.2020
Qualifying and securing skilled workers in the future digitalized world of work: Multimedia teaching and learning arrangement for the adoption of ICT technologies in the skilled trades (FachWerk)Information and communication technologies (ICT) are spreading increasingly in almost all areas of private and professional life and are indispensable for the way people structure their lives today. However, the craft sector still stands at the beginning of the digitalization process, since a high proportion of manual, experience-based and non-automated activities characterize craft work. Nevertheless, an increasing need for qualifications in the use of information and communication technologies can also be observed here. As an example for the building trade and the electrical guild, FachWerk is pursuing the goal of qualifying skilled craftsmen for the future use of the potential of information and communication technologies by developing and testing a multimedia teaching and learning arrangement in line with demand.Led by: Prof. Dr. Steffi RobakTeam:Year: 2017Funding: BMBFDuration: 02/2017 - 01/2020
DATARAMALed by: Prof. Dr. Steffi RobakTeam:Year: 2022Funding: MWKDuration: 01/22 – 04/25
Continuing vocational training for professional action in art, culture and cultural education - empirical analysis of fit profiles of offer structures, exploitation interests and benefits using the example of ba Wolfenbüttel (WB-Kultur)Led by: Prof. Dr. Steffi RobakTeam:Year: 2016Funding: BMBFDuration: 01/2016 bis 10/2018