Dr. Lena Heidemann

30167 Hannover

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Key research areas
- Participation in continuing education
- Educational leave
- Health education - health (system) literacy in the digital age
- Specific aspects of digitisation from an educational science perspective
- Quantitative and qualitative research in continuing education
Scientific career
Passed doctoral examination (Dr. phil.) (grade: summa cum laude)
Topic of the dissertation: Participation in further education and educational leave. Theoretical foundation, research-related assessment and empirical analysis. (Reviewers: Prof. Dr. Steffi Robak, Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Gieseke; chairperson of the oral examination: Prof. Dr. Lysann Zander)
since 07/2011
Research assistant at the Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education, Chair for Adult Education (Prof. Dr. Steffi Robak)
2011 until 2016
Coordination of the programme for method qualification, Dean's Office of the Faculty of Philosophy, Leibniz Universität Hannover
01/2011 until 07/2011
Research assistant in the deanery of the Faculty of Philosophy
Activity: Preparation of the program for method qualification
12/2010 until 08/2011
Research assistant at the Institute of Educational Science, Chair of Educational Research (Prof. Dr. Martin Heinrich)
Activity: Participation in the research project "Use and options for use of the orientation framework for school quality of the state of Lower Saxony"
12/2010 until 06/2011
Research assistant at the Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education, Adult Education Department
Activity: Student advisory service for educational sciences
Student assistant at the Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education, Department of Adult Education (Prof. Dr. Horst Siebert)
Activity: Student advisory service for educational sciences
2008 until 2010
Master's degree in educational sciences, Leibniz University of Hannover, degree: M.A.
2008 until 2012
Master in Sociology, University of Bielefeld, parallel studies without degree
2005 until 2008
Bachelor's degree in Economics / Sociology (2-fold Bachelor), WWU Münster, degree: B.A.
Cooperation in research projects
03/2019 until 02/2023
Technology - Ethics - Digitisation: Promoting ethical action in the technical sciences (Prof. Dr. Steffi Robak/LUH)
Activity: scientific monitoring
02/2017 until 01/2020
Qualification and assurance of skilled workers in the future digitalised working world: Multimedia teaching and learning arrangement for the adoption of information and communication technologies in the crafts (FachWerk) (joint project), funded by the BMBF
Activity: scientific monitoring in the LUH subproject
01/2016 until 05/2018
Continuing vocational education and training for professional activities in art, culture and cultural education - empirical analysis of the fit profiles of supply structures, exploitation interests and benefits using the example of the Federal Academy for Cultural Education Wolfenbüttel (WB-Kultur) (Network: Prof. Dr. Steffi Robak/LUH, Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Gieseke/HUB, Dr. Marion Fleige/DIE), funded by the BMBF
Activity: Coordination within the network and scientific collaboration in the LUH sub-project Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
10/2010 until 12/2013
Effects of educational leave and control effects (Network: Prof. Dr. Steffi Robak/LUH, Dr. Horst Rippien/University of Bremen), partly financed by the Bremen Chamber of Employees
Activity: scientific cooperation
Publication: Robak, S./ Rippien, H./ Heidemann, L./ Pohlmann, C. (2015) Bildungsurlaub - Planning, Programme and Participation. A study in perspective. Frankfurt am Main and others: Peter Lang Publishing House
ISBN: 978-3631655610
2011 until 2012
Use and options for use of the Orientation Framework for School Quality of the State of Lower Saxony (Prof. Dr. Martin Heinrich/LUH, Institute of Educational Science)
Occupation: scientific cooperation as student/research assistant assistant
Functions, committees, memberships
since 10/2019
Member of the Board, Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education, Leibniz Universität Hannover
since 10/2019
Mittelbauvertreterin, Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education, Leibniz University Hannover
since 2012
Member of the DGfE, Section for Adult Education and Working Group for Empirical Pedagogical Research (until 2019: associated, from 2020 regular)
since 2011
Selection Committee Educational Sciences (M.A.), Leibniz Universität Hannover, coordinating participation since 2011, since 2013 (with interruption) voting member
since 2011
Academic advisor for educational science (M.A.), Leibniz University Hannover
2009 until 2010
student advisor in educational sciences (M.A.), Leibniz University Hannover
Selection Committee Education Sciences (M.A.), Leibniz University Hannover, student member
Student representative, Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education, Leibniz University Hannover
Other activities
since 2011
Various information events on the Master's programme in educational sciences (internal & external)
2015 until 2018
Workshops "Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences", summer university Rinteln or Schaumburg, vocational orientation for pupils
2011 until 2013
Lectures in the module on lifelong learning in the qualification "educational guidance & competence development", RQZ Bremen
Prize for special commitment to teaching 2019, awarded by the Faculty of Philosophy of Leibniz Universität Hannover, 07.02.2020 (The award comes with prize money).