Prof. Dr. Rita Meyer

Prof. Dr. Rita Meyer
Im Moore 11B
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover

Prof. Dr. Rita Meyer
Executive Director
Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education
Deputy Head of Examining Board
Examination Board Educational Studies (Master of Arts)
Executive Board
Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education
Accreditation Officers
Representatives and Contact Persons for Students and Prospective Students, Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education
Representatives for professors
Examination Board Educational Studies (Master of Arts)
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Admissions Board Educational Studies (Master of Arts)
Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education
Department Student Advisors
Representatives and Contact Persons for Students and Prospective Students, Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education
Key research areas
- Occupational, qualification and competence research
- Interdependence of competence and organisational development
- Competence development in the process of work
- Professionalisation of vocational education and training staff
- Scientific continuing education at universities
Education and professional activity
1987-1991 Work in office sales at the Hamburg tire branch of Continental AG and as a sales representative in marketing/export for the automotive original equipment of ContiTech Holding GmbH (support of the French market) 1985-1987 Vocational Training as industrial clerk at Continental AG in Hanover -
Studies and scientific career
since 09/2012 W3-Professorship of Vocational Education at the Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education (IfBE) at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Leibniz Universität Hanover 04/2007-08/2012 W3-Professorship of Vocational and Company Continuing Education at the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Trier 04/2006-03/2007 Visiting professor at the TU Berlin at the Institute of Vocational Education and Work Teaching for the field of vocational education 2001-2007 Scientific assistant (C1) at the professorship for Vocational and Work Education at the Helmut-Schmidt-University, University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg 06/2005 Completion of the habilitation procedure Venia for the field of "Vocational and Business Education and Training" 06/2000 Doctorate in vocational pedagogy to Dr. phil. Dissertation topic: "Qualification for modern professionalism - social organisation of work from skilled trades to managerial activities" 1997-2001 Scientific staff at the Institute of Vocational Education at the University of Hannover 1996-1997 Scientific staff at the Institute of General Educational Sciences and School Pedagogy in the field of Business Education at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main 1994-1996 Studies of organizational sociology at the Université Lumière 2 in Lyon, France 1991-1996 Studies of vocational and business education, sociology and philosophy at the University Hannover on a scholarship from the Hans-Böckler-Foundation -
Functions and committee work (selection)
since 2014 Member of the advisory board of the Graduate Academy since 03/2014 Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Philosophy at Leibniz Universität Hanover since 10/2013 Member of the Board of the Institute of Vocational Education and Adult Education (IfBE) since 03/2013 Head of the Department of Vocational Education and Training at IfBE 04/2011-09/2012 Member of the Senate of the University of Trier 06/2010-09/2012 Member of the working group of the University Council of the University of Trier "Profiling as a provider of continuing education" 02/2009 Founding member and management of the Institute of Interregional Professional Research and Further Education at the Faculty I of the University of Trier 02/2008-09/2012 Member of the faculty council at the University of Trier 2005-2006 Deputy senate member at the Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg 2002-2004 Member of the Departmental Council for Education at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg 2001-2005 Study advisor for the subject pedagogy at the Helmut-Schmidt-University in Hamburg 1997-2000 Medium-level representative on the council of the Institute of Vocational Education and Training in Hannover -
Memberships, advisory boards and expert opinions (selection)
- since 2019 Member of the University Council of Weserbergland University
- since 2014 Member of the "Expert group on permeability between vocational and academic education" of the Confederation of German Employers
- since 2013 Member of the Jobstarter-plus Monitoring Committee of the BMBF
- since 2012 Member of the scientific community. Advisory Board of the Institute of Technology and Education (ITB) in Bremen
- since 2007 Member of the Board of Trustees of the Social Partner Foundation Chemistry (CSSA)
- Member of the scientific advisory board of ver.di and IG Metall (since 2007)
- Member of the board of trustees of the Qualifizierungsförderwerk Chemie (QFC) in Halle (since 2002)
- Liaison Lecturer at the Hans-Böckler-Foundation, Selection Committee for the Promotion of Doctoral Studies, reviewer for applications for research funding (2004-2009), since 10/2013 Member of the Board of Trustees of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation
- Reviewer within the framework of selection interviews for the promotion of the gifted at the "Stiftung Begabtenförderungswerk berufliche Bildung" (BMBF; since 2008)
- Founding member of the Federal Working Group for Scientific Professions (BAG NAWU) (2006)
- DGFE Section Vocational Education and Adult Education
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft gewerblich-technische Wissenschaften und ihre Didaktiken (GTW) within the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arbeitsforschung
- Study and Teaching Excellence Competition of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate 2009 - Promotion of the project "Trier Cross Mentoring Programme: Theory Meets Practice"; prize money 50.000,- €