Interdisciplinary Certificate of Study China Competence

The Faculty of Philosophy offers through the IfBE an interdisciplinary certificate of study China Competence, which is organized by the Leibniz-Confucius-Institute. This is open to all students at Bachelor or Master level as well as guest students who are enrolled at Leibniz Universität and enables an additional focus on "China Competence", so that an qualification relevant to the profession can be acquired in addition to the regular degree. Participants receive a certificate for successful participation.

In addition to the introductory lecture series, at least three of the four subject modules (minimum 9 LP) must be covered by the attendance of courses:

Topic module 1: Lecture series (obligatory)

Topic module 2: Introduction to topics of contemporary and historical China with a focus on economy, politics and society (2 seminars in the module, topic changes every semester)

Topic module 3: Basics of Chinese (language course at the University Language Center or LKIH)

Topic module 4: Practical module (events of the LKIH: e.g. participation in the Summer School, for further information see

Teaching languages are German and English as well as Chinese in the language course.

Courses in China Competence take place during the lecture period as well as during the semester break.

The courses are offered by the Leibniz-Confucius-Institute Hannover.

Conditions for granting a certificate

Students are required to attend the lecture series on contemporary issues of modern China, which is offered at Leibniz Universität by the Leibniz Confucius Institute and provides a broad introduction to the topic. This is offered every semester. For this purpose, students attend at least three further courses from the offers for certification. These can also be opened as so-called "Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen" for further courses of study. The minimum amount of credits is 9 LP. Performances performed at external institutions can also be recognized and credited after examination. The coordinator of the certificate China Competence advises in advance on the selection and crediting of courses and achievements.

I. Registration

Students of Leibniz University who would like to participate in the study focus China Competence, please register with the coordinator using the form (see below). You will receive further information, can discuss the course of the specialization, or have their achievements in China Competence credited. The registration for the certificate of study is possible at any time. The achievements should be completed within a time frame of three semesters. In each semester 10 students can be admitted.

II. certificates of achievement

Students must provide at least three qualified certificates of achievement amounting to 9 LP from the courses. The certificates are individually recorded on the form for examination achievements (see below), signed by the teacher and later recognized by the coordinator. The type and scope of performance in the courses will be announced in the annotated course catalogue or at the latest at the beginning of the course.

III. example of a course of study

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