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Humboldt Research Award Winner Prof. Quill R. Kukla at the Institute

The Institute of Philosophy is pleased to welcome Prof. Quill R. Kukla from Georgetown University (Washington, DC) as a recipient of a Humboldt Resarch Award.

Nominated by Prof. Mathias Frisch, the award enables Quill Kukla to teach and conduct research in Hannover as a visiting professor during the current academic year.

Quill Kukla is Professor of Philosophy, Professor of Disability Studies, and Senior Research Scholar at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. After receiving their PhD from the University of Pittsburgh, they held a postdoctoral position in bioethics and health policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. They are editor-in-chief of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, which specializes in publications at the intersection of philosophy of science and practical ethics. They publish in the philosophy of science (especially philosophy of medicine and philosophy of geography), philosophy of language, social epistemology, philosophy of agency, and feminist and anti-oppressive philosophy. In addition to their degrees in philosophy they also hold an MA in Geography from the City University of New York, and are currently completing a Masters degree in Urban Planning at Georgetown University. In addition to numerous articles, they are the author of three books: Mass Hysteria: Medicine, Culture and Mothers'' Bodies (Rowman and Littlefield 2005), and ''Yo!'' and ''Lo!'': The Pragmatic Topography of the Space of Reasons (co-authored with M. Lance, Harvard University Press 2009). Her latest book, City Living: How Urban Spaces and Urban Dwellers Make One Another, has just been published by Oxford University Press (2021).